
In Grupo Herdez our actions are in strict adherence to our Code of Ethics, which is mandatory for all collaborators and extends to external advisors and service providers.

To ensure that our operations are performed in strict adherence to the Code, employees have access to an anonymous complaint system with three formal channels of communication:

Anonymous grievance system

– Mail boxes in certain locations

– E-mail:,

– Toll-free line 01 800 CONFIANZA (01 800 266 342 692) or (Nutrisa 01800 312 98 32)

These means are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The line managers, directors and Legal, Human Resources and Internal Audit areas are responsible for evaluating complaints and allegations.

During the year, we received twenty complaints and twenty-seven allegations, 91% of which have been resolved, while the remaining 9% are under investigation at the close of this report. For each incident, a record is generated of the corrective action, which may consist of a warning or even dismissal for breach of the Code of Ethics. GRI 102-17

In 2016, nineteen employees were dismissed for corruption-related incidents. GRI 205-3

Two training courses were also given, one on the prevention of money-laundering and terrorism financing, and another on illegal payments and saying no to bribes. GRI 205-2

Our Human Rights Policy is also in force, whereby we adhere to the fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization and reject all forms of forced or compulsory labor and child labor. GRI 409-1